I wrote this before seeing the last script niceday posted. It's a little different than his. It displays five random images from your Plogger gallery. It's pretty sloppy, but it gets the job done. If you know a bit of php and some basic html, it is very customizable.
You can get it here: http://theg3nius.com/wordpress/2005/10/10/plogger-add-in-script/
Thanks for this script work theg3nius....I used your script to display Plogger thumbnail links within the http://www.squible.com/my-work/squible/ Squible theme instead of the native flickr feed.
below is the script <?php $host="hostname"; $username="username"; //Database username here $password="dbpassword"; //Database password here $database="dbname"; //Database name here $amount="6"; //How many images do you want shown? $siteurl="http://yoursite.com/ploggerdirectory"; //The URL of your Plogger directory E.G. http://yoursite.com/ploggerdirectory ***IMPORTANT*** DO NOT INCLUDE A TRAILING SLASH LIKE THIS http://yoursite.com/ploggerdirectory/
$q = "SELECT * from plogger_pictures order by RAND() LIMIT $amount"; $result= mysql_query($q) or die ("Could not execute query : $q." . mysql_error());
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id=$row["id"]; $path=$row["path"];