Okey dear friends. Here is one of the greatest designers I know, presenting his work through Plogger v3 and my API called "Flogger". Works just great except some text-issues (special chars as ', åäö and such won't work :( )
I've made a new project, quite more exciting than the other, the new owner is currently filling Plogger up with images so I won't release the url just yet.
But there is one thing that really bothers me, the sorting / ordering of collections, albums and such. Would'nt it be fairly easy to just make a drag and drop interface to the existing, and add one parameter in the db holding the sort order, just as it works at flickr? This feature is the only one (and the problems using ÅÄÖ) stopping me from really go forward and use this for real. So at the moment I am taking a peak at Flickr API, which allow me to do pretty much the same thing as with Plogger. But then again, opensource such as plogger are highly more interesting than a giant as Flickr. What do you think, Mike. Are these additions to plogger too complex to implement?
I had to build my own ajax/js solution for sorting all elements within plogger, works quite well, but is used as a plugin to plogger, kind of. Nothing I can release cause it is very badly done ;)
But here is my latest release, all content managed through plogger.