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    • CommentAuthorjohnjohn
    • CommentTimeOct 2nd 2006
    Hey. Can someone help me figure out how to have the album description displayed on the pages that show individual images.

    I tried and tried, but couldn't do it

    Thanks - Johnjohn.
    • CommentAuthorjohnjohn
    • CommentTimeOct 9th 2006
    hey guys. Well I keep trying different stuff but nothing works. I really need someone's help here...

    it's no doubt very easy, which may be why no one's posted. If you can help with this please do, otherwise I gotta find a new gallery (gulp.)
    • CommentAuthorcooperx
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2008
    my hack to get album descriptions to show up when there is no picture caption is to simply edit the following function in plog_functions.php

    function plogger_get_picture_caption() {
    if (!empty($GLOBALS["current_picture"]["caption"]))
    return SmartStripSlashes($GLOBALS["current_picture"]["caption"]);
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."albums` WHERE `id`='".$album_id."'";
    $result = run_query($query);
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
    return SmartStripSlashes($row["description"]);