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    How do I remove image FILE NAME and instead have the name of the album?
    • CommentAuthorjohnnyo
    • CommentTimeAug 24th 2006
    This is a great question. I assume you are referring to the slideshow view.

    The file name is distractive. It should be just caption, or album: caption.

    Great software though. Don't mean to sound like a complainer. I would love to see this question answered.

    -- jo
    • CommentAuthortzhben
    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2008
    Here is how to solve this issue.

    1: Open "plog-functions.php"
    2: On line 48, you will find this: $breadcrumbs = $collection_link . ' &raquo; ' . $album_link . ' &raquo; ' . '<span id="image_name"><b>' . $picture_name.'</b></span>';

    3: Cut the following out of this line: " . '<span id="image_name"><b>' . $picture_name.'</b></span>' "

    4: Save and upload your php file.
    • CommentAuthormike240se
    • CommentTimeOct 23rd 2008
    i would like to remove it only if there is no title. It shows the TITLE of the file if there is one, if there is not, it shows the file name. I would like it to show the title still, but just not show the filename....
    • CommentAuthortamilrain
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2008
    thanks dude!!! works perfectly!!!