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    • CommentAuthorWWWW
    • CommentTimeJun 19th 2006

    I'm just wondering how would I go about changing the main gallery name into a clickable link / url.

    I'm talking about the gallery name in 'System Options'.

    • CommentTimeJun 19th 2006 edited
    Open up the gallery.php file and find the function generate_header() (near line 972). This is where the gallery name is called for and then generated. Just add the corresponding <a href="_insert url_"> and </a> in the output.

    Should look something like this....

    $output = '<h1 id="gallery-name"><a href="_insert url_">'.stripslashes($config["gallery_name"]).'</a></h1>';

    That should probably do it. I haven't tested this cause I have already deleted that function cause I don't use it on my own install of plogger. best of luck.
    • CommentAuthorWWWW
    • CommentTimeJun 20th 2006
    Cheers that worked great.