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    • CommentAuthordsmyth
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2006
    I've just had a quick search for this and didn't find anything, so I hope I haven't missed a topic!

    Anyway, I'd had Plogger running on my band's web site for a while ( - no fancy design changes or anything like that - pretty much straight out of the box.

    It's been running fine up until recently when certain albums haven't been displaying. The photos are there as they display in the admin panel and if you manually enter the numbers for the albums they display, however they don't seem to want to on the front end of things.

    To see what I mean go to and click on 'Archive Live Photos' (under which it says there are 5 albums, which there are/should be) and then when you're in that collection, only 2 albums display.

    Any thoughts?

    Thanks in advance.

    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2006 edited
    * I had something here but tested which proved to be untrue.. ignore :P sry *
    see if this helps (set specific album thumbnails):
    • CommentAuthordsmyth
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2006
    Ah, thanks for that - I'll try it.

    For some reason the web site won't load tonight, but I'll try tomorrow and let you know if the problem remains!

    Thanks again,

    • CommentAuthordsmyth
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2006
    Sorted, thanks.