We have non-technical users who find Plogger a joy to use. They have asked if it is possible to integrate our simple PHP news article program into Plogger. We would need to add a menu item linking to the program and pass the database parameters to the program.
Modify plog-config.php to pull the database connection values from whereever you store them (in another directory, file, etc).
When the instance of Plogger is loaded, it will use those values to connect to the database.
Just remember that Plogger requires some minor installation, so you would have to run the installer first to create the appropriate tables, or create your own script which does the same.
Thanks for the quick reply. I can see from your answer that I was not clear in my question. Here it is (hopefully clearer):
From within the Plogger Administrative application, can I add a menu item that runs a simple PHP news article program? The benefits to our small volunteer organization are that Plogger administrators would use; -the same administrative tool for the two most frequently updated items on our site - photos & news items. -the Plogger authentication system and pre-existing Plogger usernames & passwords -the same database as Plogger for storing the news items
The new administrative page is just a single PHP include plus some parameters for the included file. Given that, -Is adding a menu item to the Plogger adminstrative system possible? Is it difficult? -Where in the Plogger PHP files would we create the information for the new administrative page?
In the /admin folder, there is a file called plog-admin.php. This controls the outer structure of the admin interface. Each separate file (e.g. plog-manage.php) controls a separate page; so you could simply create a plog-news.php and link it from plog-admin.php.
Be sure to include any security and other checks evident in all the other plog- files (e.g. somebody shouldn't be able to visit plog-news.php directly, they should be forced to login through an instance of plog-admin.php).
Thanks. There are some volunteers (a family of programmers - father & two sons - cheered on by mom) working on it now.
The table editor PHP library we are using has a very clean interface in keeping with the Plogger interface. It comes from: http://www.phpguru.org/static/TableEditor.html
It might be interesting for you to add to Plogger as an option, since it would allow the management of Web pages as database rows, making Plogger into a tool that could manage both Web pages and photo galleries from within one clean interface.
An interesting add-on to the TableEditor PHP library would be the integration of the Tiny MCE library available at: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/
which would allow WYSIWYG editing of the table contents. Maybe next year....