I would like to be able to make pages that integrate search results. For example, I don't have an album dedicated to uncle Joe, but if he is mentioned in the captions, I think it should be possible to make a page showing all images with uncle Joe, by integrating a hard-coded search for "Joe" into it.
I've been looking through the code for the right incantation, but I'm not very familiar with php, so perhaps one of you can give me a hint. And I thought it might be useful to others as well.
That would be the basic solution, but I wanted the page to include some text on joe as well. When I asked the question, I was thinking along the lines of a joe.php page that would call the gallery and pass the arguments in some other way than adding them to the url. Right now I'm thinking of a modified version of index.php that would include a text file based on the value of searchterms, which would be much more versatile and probably fairly easy, just add some lines that search for a text file named after the searchterms and include it when found. The only "change" would be to not show the "you were searching for" line in that case.
Anyway, thanks. I've learned a lot about php in the last hours :)
if ($level != "picture"){ $output .= '<form action="' . $config["baseurl"] . 'plog-download.php" method="post">'; } // added by eli $predefined=FALSE; // we are going to check if this was a predefined search if ($level == "search"){