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    • CommentAuthorrunamonk
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2005
    Right now I'm currently using Coppermine and it just does WAY more than I need. It's huge and bloated in comparison. So far in my testing of plogger the only thing I see missing is that I would really like to be able to have sub-categories and I wondered if this was something that was possible in a future version?


    > Camera Shots
    > > Macro
    > > > Bugs
    > > > Flowers

    Great job, I hope to see continued development from the team. :)

    Ron Hines
    • CommentAuthorbenhamv
    • CommentTimeMar 8th 2006
    I could really use this function as well.


    • CommentAuthorjack
    • CommentTimeMar 8th 2006
    Currently I think there are no plans for subsubsubsubcategories. At first this was also my hesitation in using Plogger, but I just decided to rearrange my collections a bit and that's ok. So at first I also thought of Nature => Animals => Dogs etc, or Nature => Insects => Spiders =>, but now I just have Insects => Spiders.
    Personally I think this even works better. Saves a lot of clicking and you don't loose track of where you are. Also the rest of Plogger compensates A LOT for the lack of subsubsubsubsubsubscategories. Imho at least ;)
    • CommentTimeMar 8th 2006
    Two levels is good. I find it very hard to find things that are more than two levels deep. Think about the Windows Start Menu for example, if you have a program which is embedded within a folder, which is embedded within another folder, it becomes very hard to find what you are looking for.

    I personally think one level (albums only) is too simplistic, and three levels is too complicated. Like Jack said, maybe you should rethink your organizational scheme, it may be too complex to begin with. Users will be able to find what they are looking for much easier. Why do you even need the level "Camera Shots", it seems like a pretty superflous category. Macro->Bugs, Macro->Flowers makes a lot of sense with only those two classifications.
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeMar 8th 2006
    Right now levels in Plogger are hardcoded. Meaning that "collections", "albums" and "pictures" are conditions to determine what the front end displays.

    I initially considered this myself before I joined Plogger, but reached the conclusion that the headaches in implementation (e.g. differentiating btw a thumb that contains a picture and group of pictures, deciding on a database structure) weren't warranted by the benefits. I agreed at the time that the fixed-level system works best, although it becomes most problematic when people only want 2 levels but don't know PHP.

    Any thoughts on the topic are always, however, appreciated.
