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    • CommentAuthorsilly
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2005 edited
    Hi, I just installed plogger. My host runs in safe mode on, and has disabled "realpath", but I managed to install succesfully and create galleries by commenting out line 71 and 79 in the install.php - I created images, thumbs and uploads directories manually.

    Creating collections, albums and files is apparently no problem for me,so far all functionality seems to work, but I get many warnings, so far mostly related to set_ini and realpath. Any suggestions for changing the code to do without these? Since things seem to work ok, aside from the warnings...

    The full list of disabled functions on my host is:
    get_current_user, php_uname, putenv, set_time_limit, getmyuid, getmypid, dl, ini_alter, ini_restore, ini_set, exec, passthru, system, popen, leak, mysql_list_dbs, mysql_list_processes, socket_bind, socket_listen, chown, chmod, chgrp, diskfreespace, rmdir, realpath, tmpfile, link, imap_mail, proc_open

    At the moment I turned off error reporting, but that is perhaps not the best solution?