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Vanilla 1.1.10 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    • CommentAuthorkritro
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2006
    It installed fine, and when put the code in my php file it seems fine. The drop down list and the thumbnail shows. But when I press the thumbnail to view a gallery I'm redirected back to my start page that is named index.php.

    I tried to put the gallery code in blank page caled, index.html or index2.html ande the same thing happens. It redirects to index.php.

    Anyone experienced this?
    • CommentTimeApr 24th 2006
    Your gallery skin file needs to be named index.php in the Plogger directory.
    • CommentAuthorkocaarslan
    • CommentTimeApr 29th 2006
    i have the same problem although my skin file is named as index.php, when i changed this skin file with my own template it started to turn main page after clicking the large thumbnail that have to show the whole picture.

    The old photos that i have uploaded before skin editing (mean with the skin comes with the original script) has no problem they can still show the entire photo after clicking. But these new photos uploaded after index.php editing has this problem anyone can guess why it causes?
    i discovered that if i upload photos with ftp to uploads folder first it has no problem but i i upload the photo with the upload section in the admin its full-view turns back to main page-it means(cant find 404-turns home cause mod-rewrite)

    also this forum really needs repliers or new joins