I've been working on some very tentative ideas for various css-based themes, and maybe with some added dom effects.
However, I came by this on digg last week and wondered what everyone thought about a Plogger theme based on the method... let me know you would like to see it.
I don't like it myself. It could be usefull inside a blogpost, but it makes the page look rather restless with images flipping and flopping over eachother, imho.
Well, I did get a little discouraged when I couldn't integrate that multiple uploads script. However, I have still been working on things; it's just that with the time difference we never see each other online. I think the dev IRC meetup will help a lot. Hopefully we can get one together this weekend.
And yes, to anybody interested, the theme engine allows for temendous versatility with scripting and CSS; it is definitely worth the trouble to check it out.