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    • CommentAuthorcasey133
    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2006
    I installed Plogger and created a collection but cant create an album. My first thought was to set the permissions to the collection folder I receive this message using Cute FTP.

    "Requested action not taken (e.g., file or directory not found, no access)."

    So I tried going INTo the collections folder and creating a folder in there just to see if I could but I am being told I dont have permission, however I cant change permissions on the collections folder.

    At last I logged into my cpanel and went to the file manager and tried to change the permissions from there but still nothing. Then when I try to create a folder within the collection folder using the cpanel file manager it says the folder does not exist.

    This has been a problem both times I installed plogger and I have no idea whats going on. I have used both IE as well as Opera thinking it may be a browser issue (maybe) but the same error with Opera as well.

    Server is running Linux with safe mode on if this matters.
    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2006
    Yeah, sorry about that. There is really no way around it, Plogger needs to create folders on your filesystem and with safe mode on it will fail every time.

    Maybe try asking your ISP to turn off safe_mode for you?
    • CommentAuthorcasey133
    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2006
    Thanks for the help. I hope this doesnt seem rude or anything but do you or anyone else know of a free script that will allow visitors to post comments and will allow pics to be published in groups?

    Thanks again for the help.
    • CommentAuthorTerje
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2006
    This one uses flatfile Minigal