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    We would like to add a send (email) to friend option for each photo. Has anyone tried this or know how it's done?
    • CommentTimeMar 8th 2006 edited
    Should be pretty easy actually if you want to just use email. Building a more complex system within Plogger would be a bit of coding.

    You can put a mailto: link somewhere in the picture output HTML, like after the EXIF table for instance at line ~247 of gallery.php.

    $output .= '<a href="mailto:?subject=Check out this picture!&body=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '">Send to a Friend</a>

    You can fool around with that idea I guess, you could do some different stuff like adding a text box for the email address and passing that into the mailto: url. You will have to experiment to make it right for your site.
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeMar 8th 2006
    You could add a form/button that triggers a mail() event.

    Failing that, you could file a ticket at, assign it to me (derek), and hope it makes Beta 3.

    Thanks, email is fine, I'll give it a go and assign a ticket if I get stuck.

