Hi I've followed all the instructions and want plogger to appear within a specific table within my web template but it doesnt appear???.
If you go here
you will see the gallery in rough form.
If you go here
The gallery should be appearing but isnt - Ive added the elements
First line of HTML file -> <?php require("gallery.php"); ?> In HEAD section of HTML -> <?php the_gallery_head(); ?> Somewhere in BODY section -> <?php the_gallery(); ?>
What am I doing wrong?
Interestingly the text
Catfishing image gallery. Guided fishing tour on the River Ebro, Spain.
on the gallery page has become much larger since adding in the php ?
If you look at the source of the page that gets rendered in your browser for gallery.html you will see the php directives in there, which means php on your server is not parsing that page.
Either php needs to be configured to parse .html requests on your server or, you need to rename your gallery page gallery.php instead.
Plogger Beta 2.1 requires an index.php. The only way you can customize it is to instead put it in a directory, like so: www.example.com/photos/index.php