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    • CommentAuthorherkalees
    • CommentTimeFeb 6th 2006
    I've installed Plogger on one of my client's sites. It's a first for me, and I love the product so far. My client asked me if there is anyway he can upload multiple pictures at a time (basically by having multiple 'Browse' buttons to use before pressing 'Upload') and I said I'd look into it.

    I know it supports importing multiple files assuming they're FTP'd somewhere, but this is beyond my client.

    Tell me, is there any plug in or code modification I can do to make this possible?
    This would be a very nice feature for Plogger.
    • CommentTimeFeb 20th 2006
    How about something like this?

    An interesting problem with this method is the intrinsic upload limit set for a single request in PHP (usually 2 Megabytes), which is the main reason why we avoided this in the first place. I think we can get around this limit using ini_set or some sort of PHP hack, but I'm not sure how reliable this is. There is another problem created by large server requests, it is difficult to display "Upload File Progress" for very large requests without using ActiveX or other proprietary technology. This would be a usability problem as people sat and waited for their uploads to complete with no way to know if the system is actually doing anything.

    If anyone has any insights on this problem I would love to hear.
    • CommentTimeFeb 20th 2006
    Hmm.. this is an interesting solution, although I'm not a big fan of how the progress bar refreshes constantly, couldn't they have done this with AJAX?
    • CommentTimeFeb 20th 2006
    The last time I looked into something like this, there wasn't an easy way (or any way) to use Ajax to transfer an encoded form (which is what you need to do to send your files contents).
    We took an easier option, rather than delve too deeply into it, and had multiple iFrames on a page, each with a file upload form. Cheap and nasty, but it worked.
    I don't know if anyone else has found a more elegant solution, but I'll keep a look out for one.
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeFeb 20th 2006
    Can you not use a dropdown with an int range (say, 1 through 20) and use javascript to read the value, and duplicate a node (say a fieldset containing a legend, label and file input) while changing the label for each?

    Then, you could default it to 1, but the user could open up to 20 file inputs each given a name and label via js? I think 20 is the largest reasonable, considering that makes the average 100Kb.
