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    • CommentTimeFeb 9th 2006
    Try this: Edit plog-load_config.php on line 16:

    $config["baseurl"] = "http://".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]. substr($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"],0,strrpos($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"],"/")) . "/";

    Replace "http://" with "https://".
    Thankful People: joemolloy
    • CommentTimeFeb 7th 2017 edited
    I've altered the the plog-admin/plog-options.php to support an https URL, now if you entered https://www.domain.ext the gallery_url was changed to http://https://www.domain.ext

    Alter the test around line 25 and change to:
    // Verify that the gallery URL begins with 'http://' for mod_rewrite 301 redirects
    if (strpos($_POST['gallery_url'], 'http://') === false && strpos($_POST['gallery_url'], 'https://') === false)
    $_POST['gallery_url'] = 'http'.($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 's' : '').'://'.$_POST['gallery_url'];

    Also altered plog-load-config.php with a simular code to support both http and https requests. In 3 places I altered the code mentioned by mike to:
    $config['baseurl'] = 'http'.($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 's' : '').'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, strrpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/')).'/';

    I did this on lines 66, 87 and 101 (in my version)

    • CommentTimeApr 15th 2017
    With no further server details it looks like your host had a seperate SSL webroot. I've had a host that dit that in the past.
    http_docs and https_docs. So in that case http and https are 2 completely different site.

    Same data for both-

    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/
    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/cgi-bin/
    ErrorLog /etc/httpd/logs/virtual-errors.log
    CustomLog /etc/httpd/logs/virtual-access.log combined

    AllowOverride Options AuthConfig

    SSLCertificateFile /etc/getssl/
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/getssl/
    Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf
    SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/getssl/

    • CommentTimeApr 18th 2017
    OK, this looks better. Before I saw nothing on HTTPS.

    The problem you have now is that all links link to http:// including your CSS and JavaScript. This is unsecure and most browsers will not load these files and that's why the styling is "gone".
    HTTP links

    When I change the JS and CSS to HTTPS in the inspector the gallery works fine.

    Also notice that in the above screenshot the site is loaded via HTTPS but it has an exclamation mark infront of the URL, this indicates an "issue".

    The fix I mentioned above should fix that.

    When it's fixed it should look like this:
    Plogger secure

    Let me know if this helped.

    OK but index.php only containds the following so I guess I need to find which file the function the_plogger_head is in-

    <?php require('plogger.php'); ?>

    " lang="<?php echo $language; ?>" xmlns="">

    <?php the_plogger_head(); ?>

    <?php the_plogger_gallery(); ?>

    OK... plogger.php contains the function-

    function the_plogger_head() {

    $use_file = 'head.php';
    if (file_exists(THEME_DIR.'/'.$use_file)) {
    } else {
    And head.php is_

    <?php echo plogger_generate_seo_meta_tags();?>
    gallery.css" />

    So it seems now I'm pooking for where THEME_URL indefined...
    So, at last could it be that what needs changing is this section of plog-load-config.php?

    // if mod_rewrite is on and we're not embedded, remove the file basename
    if ($config['use_mod_rewrite'] == 1 && $config['embedded'] == 0) {
    $config['baseurl'] = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/';
    // otherwise just use our cleaned up version of $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] from plog-globals.php
    } else {
    $config['baseurl'] = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2017
    Try editing plog-admin/plog-options.php like I mentiond above. Should work fine after that.
    • CommentAuthorjoemolloy
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2018
    I was glad to see this post as I have last week added SSL to my website. Up to then Plogger has been behaving well and updates to my gallery have been great.

    Enter SSL and now the Plogger Gallery renders in much the same way encountered by Niamh last year. What is not clear is if Niamh got the desired result? I have tried to follow xiphias guidance but not getting a successful outcome.

    Although I have been advised to move to a newer gallery, suitable for a Wordpress update on the website, I hope to resolve the problem with Plogger in place, purely to save having to rebuild a gallery with 1600 images, which I guess will take 2 or 3 weeks effort.

    Niamh, are you still on board with Plogger?
    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2019
    What issues are you having? All my plogger galleries run fine in SSL. What is the URL?

    Also trying to move away from plogger but there is no other gallery that works as great as plogger does with large volume of images.
    My largest plogger albums:
    Gallery Stats: You have 12 collections, which contain 61 albums and 6526 images. Users have posted comments to your gallery.
    Gallery Stats: You have 11 collections, which contain 323 albums and 12448 images. Users have posted comments to your gallery.

    Most other galleries I found don't have a good batch mode, don't read EXIF, don't support FTP upload/processing.
    I go out, shoot a 1000 pictures, upload 200 of them and online in minutes. Other galleries take forever.

    • CommentAuthorjoemolloy
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2019
    Hi Xip, thanks for your contact. Sorry for delay getting back to you, been dozing. I got word from Niamh after my post December 8th, she did not make progress and stuck with her old site and did not adopt https. My issue is probably minor.

    I agree totally that other packages lack the features you mention.

    My galleries are now accessed through the Wordpress page:

    Then there is a table with links to different collections.

    It is only at that point where I hoped the view would be different.

    Click on a link (excuse use of label Download) for example Download the Northern Sub Branch Gallery; and the page opens

    The thumbnail and links go to the albums in list form. Prior to adopting https at this level the thumbnails were in a table. As would be rendered at the next level, e.g.

    My preference would be for to be in a table layout.

    After that all seems well.

    • CommentTimeFeb 13th 2019
    Hi Joe,

    Sorry for the late reply, I thought I had replied monday but I guess I didn't hit the post button.

    See scroonshots above, your site has the same issue, CSS and JS not loaded via https but http, also notice that you have an exclamation mark in the address bar stating site is not save.

    I'll try and find where I changed that. I think I was doing this while typing the message on monday and forgot to submit.

    • CommentTimeFeb 13th 2019
    Ok Joe,

    Ok, I think I found it. Really simpel, check your Options in Plog-admin.
    Gallery URL should have https:// url there. Should fix it.

    • CommentAuthorjoemolloy
    • CommentTimeFeb 26th 2019
    Hi XiP,

    many thanks for taking the time to respond. I have been away for a while and catching up. Then I've done something similar to you, having penned a detailed update on what I've done, lost it at send stage. I really need to get in a habit of drafting in notepad then pasting to the boards, before I get timed out.

    However, on the plus side, you are now spared the weeds of what I tried to explain, including excerpts from my code to illustrate (I think) my code is as you suggested, but the preferred results are not being achieved.

    Files plog-load-config.php and plog-options.php seem to have the correct code amendments.

    As the issue is minor, I will leave it as it is, but grateful for your guidance.
