CREATE TABLE `plogger_collections` ( `name` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `path` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `thumbnail_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) Type=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARACTER SET UTF8
--------------------- I've already tried removing everthing completely by deleting the whole folder. Is there somewhere else that I need to go delete to try to fix this.
Also... I messed with Beta 3 and went back to 2.1. It said something not finding the RSS header or something.
about tables: tables is not folders tables is in mysql database hosted on your server ask your hosting provider for access to phpmyadmin and drop plogger database (or plogger_collections table only)
"Also... I messed with Beta 3 and went back to 2.1. It said something not finding the RSS header or something."
maybe you have to change error_reporting() level to E_NONE?