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    • CommentAuthorT2
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2006 edited
    Hi All,
    I have customized Plogger by editing the gallery.css file and the changes look great (in my humble opinion) in Safari and Firefox on my Mac. However, some of the changes are not applied when viewing with IE on a PC. Specifically, links (a:link, hover, active and visited) should all be Bold and are not. Also text size for the <p> tag don't seem to have any affect. Is there a hierarchy (perhaps styles that are part of the PHP script itself) that IE uses, overriding the style sheet? Any help would be much appreciated.

    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2006
    There are some inline styles, but none that should be causing the problems you mention. Try:

    a {

    p {
    font-size: 76%;

    If that doesn't work, then there is a problem. But IE uses the same stylesheet as everything else, just interprets it a little differently.

    • CommentAuthorT2
    • CommentTimeJan 24th 2006
    Many thanks Derek.........That did the trick.
