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    • CommentAuthorshutterbug
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2006
    After comparing plogger with gallery and ponygallery, i had to go back to old gallery setup. Plogger gallery was taking up to 2-3 times longer to display large image as the others. Anyone else experience or notice this?
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2006
    It will the first time (when generating the large thumbnail), but afterwards it shouldn't take that long. There may have been a problem recognizing the existing thumbnail as within the conditional constraints (i.e. Is this thumbnail the size it's supposed to be, and if not, regenerate it), but otherwise I always had great response times with Beta 2, and now, Beta 3.

    • CommentTimeJan 25th 2006
    It really depends on a lot of things, and like Derek said, there may be a problem with the caching system on your setup.

    If you really want slow, try Gallery2 =) That script uses 16MB of RAM for every user connected to your gallery.

    All in all, Plogger has been very fast in my experience. Especially after the thumbnails are cached.