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    • CommentAuthormatosale
    • CommentTimeJan 18th 2006 edited
    After installing Plogger and logging in, I get a bunch of code in the beginning of the admin file, something like this:
    2147483647) $top = $top - 4294967296; //this makes the number signed instead of unsigned if($bottom!=0) $data=$top/$bottom; else if($top==0) $data = 0; else $data=$top."/".$bottom; if(($tag=="011a" || $tag=="011b") && $bottom==1) { //XResolution YResolution $data=$top." dots per ResolutionUnit"; } else if($tag=="829a") { //Exposure Time if($top/10 == 1) $data="1/".round($bottom/10, 0)." sec"; else $data=$top."/".$bottom." sec"; } else if($tag=="829d") { //FNumber $data="f ".$data; } else if($tag=="9204") { //ExposureBiasValue $data=$data." EV"; } else if($tag=="9205" || $tag=="9202") { //ApertureValue and MaxApertureValue //ApertureValue is given in the APEX Mode. Many thanks to Matthieu Froment for this code //The formula is : Aperture = 2*log2(FNumber) <=> FNumber = e((Aperture.ln(2))/2) $data = exp(($data*log(2))/2); $data = round($data, 1);//Focal is given with a precision of 1 digit. $data="f ".$data; } else if($tag=="920a") { //FocalLength $data=$data." mm"; } else if($tag=="9201") { //ShutterSpeedValue // The ShutterSpeedValue is given in the APEX mode. Many thanks to Matthieu Froment for this code // The formula is : Shutter = - log2(exposureTime) (Appendix C of EXIF spec.) // Where shutter is in APEX, log2(exposure) = ln(exposure)/ln(2) // So final formula is : exposure = exp(-ln(2).shutter) // The formula can be developed : exposure = 1/(exp(ln(2).shutter)) $data = exp($data * log(2)); if ($data > 1) $data = floor($data); //Do not take care of what is behind the coma. $data = 1/$data; //Final calculation. We now have a floating number. Transform it in a pretty number $n=0;$d=0; ConvertToFraction($data, $n, $d); if ($n>=1 && $d==1) $data = $n." sec"; //To avoid exposure times style 3/1 sec. else $data = $n."/".$d." sec"; } } else if($type=="USHORT" || $type=="SSHORT" || $type=="ULONG" || $type=="SLONG" || $type=="FLOAT" || $type=="DOUBLE") { $data = bin2hex($data); if($intel==1) $data = intel2Moto($data); if($intel==0 && ($type=="USHORT" || $type=="SSHORT")) $data = substr($data,0,4); $data=hexdec($data); if($type=="SSHORT" && $data>32767) $data = $data - 65536; //this makes the number signed instead of unsigned if($type=="SLONG" && $data>2147483647) $data = $data - 4294967296; //this makes the number signed instead of unsigned if($tag=="0112") { //Orientation if($data==1) $data = "Normal (O deg)"; if($data==2) $data = "Mirrored"; if($data==3) $data = "Upsidedown"; if($data==4) $data = "Upsidedown Mirrored"; if($data==5) $data = "90 deg CW Mirrored"; if($data==6) $data = "90 deg CCW"; if($data==7) $data = "90 deg CCW Mirrored"; if($data==8) $data = "90 deg CW"; } else if($tag=="0128" || $tag=="a210" || $tag=="0128") { //ResolutionUnit and FocalPlaneResolutionUnit and ThumbnailResolutionUnit if($data==1) $data = "No Unit"; if($data==2) $data = "Inch"; if($data==3) $data = "Centimeter"; } else if($tag=="0213") { //YCbCrPositioning if($data==1) $data = "Center of Pixel Array"; if($data==2) $data = "Datum Point"; } else if($tag=="8822") { //ExposureProgram if($data==1) $data = "Manual"; else if($data==2) $data = "Program"; else if($data==3) $data = "Aperature Priority"; else if($data==4) $data = "Shutter Priority"; else if($data==5) $data = "Program Creative"; else if($data==6) $data = "Program Action"; else if($data==7) $data = "Portrat"; else if($data==8) $data = "Landscape"; else $data = "Unknown: ".$data; } else if($tag=="9207") { //MeteringMode if($data==0) $data = "Unknown"; else if($data==1) $data = "Average"; else if($data==2) $data = "Center Weighted Average"; else if($data==3) $data = "Spot"; else if($data==4) $data = "Multi-Spot"; else if($data==5) $data = "Multi-Segment"; else if($data==6) $data = "Partial"; else if($data==255) $data = "Other"; else $data = "Unknown: ".$data; } else if($tag=="9208") { //LightSource if($data==0) $data = "Unknown or Auto"; else

    Other thing: I cannot upload any image (via http nor ftp)
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function read_exif_data_raw() in ploggeradminplog-admin-functions.php on line 68

    Any idea?
    I think the server is a WAMP package
    Alejandro M.
    • CommentTimeJan 18th 2006
    Looks like your server setup may have PHP shorttags off. The EXIF library we utilize uses Shorttags (<? instead of <?php) to indicate the beginning of PHP code blocks.

    Open up the files in your /lib/exifixer/ directory and replace <? with <?php at the beginning of each file. Reupload them and you should be OK.
    • CommentAuthormatosale
    • CommentTimeJan 18th 2006
    Now it works ok! :) another thing:

    It seems that the permalink doesn't work even having the .htaccess file in the server. Is there anyway to check if it's really working? :-