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    • CommentAuthorskeeboo
    • CommentTimeJan 14th 2006
    Has anyone been able to integrate mPUSH into Plogger?

    mPUSH is a mobile phone content provider, located at It allows you to sell ringtones and stuff. However, the best feature is the ability to send an image to a mobile phone with a simple bit of code which looks like this:

    <a href="#" onClick="javascript:'','_MPUSH','width=640,height=420,titlebar=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=0'); return(false);">Send to my mobile</a>

    I've played with getting it working in Plogger (ideally, I'd like the "Send to Mobile" link under the thumbnails), but just get various parse errors, such as unexpected T_STRING .The modified code I've played with replaces the image link with the code Plogger uses to fetch the thumbnail"

    <a href="#" onClick="javascript:''.$thumbpath.'&caption=your+caption','_MPUSH','width=640,height=420,titlebar=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=0'); return(false);">Send to my mobile</a>

    Any ideas or other ways to get this javascript working in Plogger?

    Anyway, if someone can get this working, I think it could be a nice little hack. Not to mention just the idea of having images you've taken appear as the background on someones cellphone and them actually wanting to pay you for it (I think mPUSH charges 1.99 or so).
    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2006 edited
    You're getting parse errors because your ignoring nested quoting rules in PHP. If your using the single apostrophe syntax to output a string, then you need to put escape characters (backslash) in front of embedded single quotes.

    for example,

    $output .= '&lt;a href=&quot;#&quot; onClick=&quot;javascript:';image='.$thumbpath.'&amp;caption=your+caption','_MPUSH','width=640,height=420,titlebar=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=0'); return(false);&quot;&gt;Send to my mobile&lt;/a&gt;';

    Might have missed a couple in there but you get the idea...

    EDIT: Ok, Vanilla is stripping out my escape characters from the example above, but basically you should have a backslash before every non-terminating single-quote. Like right after ... Hope this makes sense.
    • CommentAuthorskeeboo
    • CommentTimeJan 18th 2006
    Thanks for the reply Mike. After some tinkering I got it to work. Still tweaking, but I can post the code here if anyone is interested in doing the same thing.
    • CommentAuthornovatech
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2006
    it's a free services or what??
    • CommentAuthordustinto
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2006
    I would like to get a hold of this. Thanks
    • CommentAuthorgocre8
    • CommentTimeMar 17th 2006
    skeeboo, i'd love to try and implement this - could you post a little guide or send some info to or anyone else if you've got this to work? would be much appreciated! cheers :)