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    • CommentAuthorcyberbill
    • CommentTimeJan 9th 2006 edited
    < a href="> This link.</a>

    When I go to page 2 of an album or slideshow, I get page can not be found.

    Any Ideas?
    • CommentAuthorcyberbill
    • CommentTimeJan 10th 2006
    I can't even go to page 2 in Admin. Help!
    • CommentAuthorcyberbill
    • CommentTimeJan 10th 2006
    or change to show 50 images
    • CommentTimeJan 10th 2006
    If you look at the source code for page two of your gallery, it looks like its dying before it even gets to Plogger. In fact, it dies before finishing the rendering of your subnavigation. Do you have any other dynamic code embedded in your page?

    If you want, you can change "Number of Thumbnails per Page" to a higher value in the options menu and the second page will disappear. This is at least a temporary solution until you can figure out what is killing your site.
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeJan 11th 2006
    Looks like one of your images is corrupt and failed to generate a thumb, and is now halting Plogger every time is tries to do so. (This is a guess.)

    Try to sort the thumbs in reverse order, and suddenly the first page will disappear.

    My suggestion is to remove them from the admin interface until the second page works, scrap the last one removed and re-add the rest.

    Keep in mind, there may be more than one mal-formed JPEG, so if you fix it, add them back and break it, you'll have to find the other.

    • CommentAuthorcyberbill
    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2006
    It bombs in the admin interface now . I couldn't change it to show 50, so I deleted image #20 until the problem occurs on the album page with 20 showing. Therefore, it looks like I need to delete pic 20 in that album, but how?
    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2006
    Try deleting the image from your /plogger/images/ directory using FTP. The entry should appear in your admin as an empty box, and you should be able to delete safely.

    If that doesn't work, you need to go into the database and delete the entry by hand. Look in the plogger_pictures table for the correct row to delete.