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    • CommentAuthorgianchy86
    • CommentTimeMay 11th 2011
    Dear users,
    I've modified Plogger (plogger-1.0RC1 version) adding a protection to the albums that we do not want to see the photos.
    For each album you can enter a different password.
    If you click on an album protected, a lightbox will appear asking for your password. If the password is correct, the user can view the album.
    Obviosly you can create public albums too.

    If you are interested contact me at
    Thankful People: xiphias
    • CommentAuthorgianchy86
    • CommentTimeMay 11th 2011
    My e-mail address is: pubblicita86[AT]libero[DOT]it
    • CommentAuthorthal
    • CommentTimeJun 20th 2011
    Very interested in the Password option also. Mail address: thomas at hallenberg dot eu.

    • CommentAuthornicolas
    • CommentTimeJul 16th 2011

    Very interested in the password option too. E-mail : vsnicolas at hotmail dot fr
    Plogger works like a charm (CentOS 5.5 dedicated server).

    Thank you very much!
    • CommentAuthorLogtie
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2011

    Im interested to! Long time searched for a album protected...
    mail: eliseenjohan [we called it a appenstaartje]
    This is very interesting.By using this we can protect our albums also want this.muebles rusticos