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    • CommentAuthorlewis712
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2011
    I just installed Plogger yesterday and I love it. I uploaded many images and things were working good.

    Today however, I went to upload a picture, then view my site and got the following error:

    Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: Read error! in /homepages/45/mysite/htdocs/plogger/plog-includes/plog-functions.php on line 2614

    Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /homepages/45/mysite/htdocs/plogger/plog-includes/plog-functions.php on line 2616

    Any help would be appreciated.

    • CommentAuthorchewbears
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2011
    Whats line 2614 of plog_functions?
    • CommentAuthorlewis712
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2011
    $image_info = getimagesize($thumbpath);


    I also have an image that is 2200 w x 1399 h that I want to upload, however I'm getting a 500 internal server error message after I press Upload in the admin area.

    • CommentAuthorchewbears
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2011

    Search these forms for max_execution

    Basically your error is being generated due to a memory and time out error. You need to increase the parameters in your config file (php.ini) in order to accommodate these larger images. The thumbnail generator needs a little more run time to execute. In the threads you search you will see the 3-5 parameters most people edit to allow this error to go away.

    LMK if you need more clarification.
    • CommentAuthorlewis712
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2011
    Ok, so I added the following to the php.ini file....but my question is, where do I put that php.ini file....which directory? Also, do I need to do anything with the .htaccess file?

    upload_max_filesize = 10
    post_max_size = 8M
    max_execution_time = 30
    memory_limit = 8M

    Thanks for your help!
    • CommentAuthorchewbears
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2011
    htaccess is your page specific apache file. Anything you do to an htaccess file can be done more securely from the apache config.

    So no you do not need to touch that.

    upload_max_filesize = 10
    post_max_size = 32M
    max_execution_time = 300
    memory_limit = 64M

    I would do something more like the above and your php file is in the php directory. Or if you have a package like a LAMP or MAMP stack etc it will be there under the php directory found within those directories.
    • CommentAuthorlewis712
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2011
    So just place it in the /plogger/ directory on my hosting account?
    • CommentAuthorlewis712
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2011
    Ah, figured it out. Had to put the PHP.ini file into the Plog-admin directory.

    Thanks for all of your help, it's been greatly appreciated!!!
