I get the following error: Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/floripai/public_html/weblog/index.php:2) in /home/floripai/public_html/gallery/plog-globals.php on line 5
I not sure where exactly the problem is. The galley is an external file but I have included the lines:
I am running plogger on /home/*/public_html/koirat/plogger/ I am now trying to run the homepage /home/*/public_html/koirat and implement the Plogger into the index file that is in /koirat.
By using <?php include("../gallery/gallery.php"); ?> <?php the_gallery_head(); ?> <?the_gallery();?>
Where they should be (Follwoed your instrctions.) I stil cant get it to work. The first php script I am putting the adress to the gallery.php file. but thoose other two scripts I honestly dont know what to do with :( Dont tell me that I have to run plogger in same root folder as my homepage ((home/*/public_html/koirat/) for it to work?
You need to have your gallery in the same folder as gallery.php. We're working on changing it to work in any directory for the WP plugin, but for now they must be in the same folder.