I think it would be nice if it were possible to upload archives (instead of one picture a time), but I do know that it's already possible to import files from an FTP-map. For me, an FTP-connection is not really a problem but in our organisation there are few people who can... :) For those I think it would be nice. Just an idea. :)
zjokes, I think this is a great idea, however there is a problem. PHP comes with an upload limit of 2MB on most default configurations, and not many hosts will deviate from this default setting. As a consequence, all zip files over 2 megabytes would be rejected. This pretty heavily limits the benefit of this feature.
If anyone knows a software oriented way around this, we can for sure add this to the next version.
We use Plogger with pictures that are about ~50kb each. Even in situations were the picture files are about ~100kb each, there would fit about 15-20 pictures in a ZIP-file that is 2MB. Sounds still pretty nice to me ;-)
It also means PHP would have to be compiled with the zip library ... mind you, that's the case for exporting .zip, too, and we included that feature. Or we would have to include another external library to handle .zip files.
I wanted to revive this topic because I've done some research on different means of unzipping. Frankly I think this feature would really make plogger so much better. Gallery2 and Zenphoto have this already, despite Zenphoto's being not really functional for everyone.
So I did some espionage work pretending to be a user who is satisfied with Gallery2 (:D) and asked how they are able to do it without any problems.
--------- "the unzip binary, not php's built-in methods because they are not always available. but it's a fairly common feature request to add the option to also unzip with php itself." ----------------
I found this binary at: http://www.info-zip.org/UnZip.html
that's where I stop, because I"m not entirely sure how to integrate it, but I assume it would be using a portable version of it. Any chance for this feature to come soon?
I have included a zip file class called PCL-ZIP. I think it is dependent upon the PHP zlib extension, which is not included by default in PHP installation. So, yeah, it may be picky but hopefully not too much of a problem.
Zenphoto has done this same PHP zlib thang and it hasn't worked on several servers. What are the chances (possibilities) of this being switched to something like Info-Zip?
I'll check that out ravijo. I don't have a problem switching libraries, and if this library will eliminate the dependence upon special compilations of PHP, I will definitely switch it over.