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    • CommentAuthorpuk
    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2005
    Hey guys, well i want a new layout for a site i'm making and want to go down the css route, i really have had enough of tables in this life but i'd quite like a couple of pointers from you peeps, if you can help.

    Basically i want a simple lookin site, just want a header, plogger in the middle and a footer, but its drivin me nuts, i'm sure the css isn't hard to do it but thinkin lack of sleep and working dodgy hours have inhibited my thought train.

    I want the main div, the one with the images/gallery within to enlarge with larger pics upto a certain size, whence it'll become scrollable, but the footer is still below it.

    Whats the best way to go about this, do it with a index.php file or alter the gallery.php file and add the divs within the code, so the footer always follows the size of the gallery and the main containing div always keeps the right size?

    I'm just a bit confused and wonderin which way to attack this.

    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2005
    For a layout with a cross-browser fixed footer:

    Look at display:table-cell; and display:inline-block; for the slides, and overflow:auto; to get the thumbnails to sit on a single row.

    What you've undertaken isn't particularly hard acording to the CSS spec, your difficulty will be in getting all major browsers to interpret it similarly.

    Good luck,
    • CommentAuthorpuk
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2005
    Yea, tbh Derek i was actually looking at that very layout, but was just wondering the best way of implementing it.

    Thanks for the reply, as always :)
    • CommentAuthorpuk
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2005
    okay so i'm looking at this a different way, say i dont want a fixed footer as such, just want a footer on the bottom, should i just whack a div into the gallery.php at the bottom, as if i did it with an index.php the footer would stay at the same place and the gallery draw over it, wouldn't it?

    i dunno, i think i'm confusing myself
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2005
    Sounds like it, puk. ;)

    You can put the footer div into the index.php, and it will not be overdrawn.



    For more functionality, look at upgrading to the nightlies for very nice (though not yet fully functional) theme support.

    • CommentAuthorpuk
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2005
    sounds good, where do i find em, i can't seem to locate the dl at ?
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2005
    Get an SVN client and download it from You'll be able to download it freely, but won't (rightly) be able to upload without a dev login/password.
