Where can I find a list of the directories & files and their respective permissions? It doesn't say on the Installation page of the main site, and I didn't see a complete listing here in the forum.
I know permissions are supposed to be set during installation, but I'm moving servers, so I need to reset the permissions once I upload my old plogger gallery to my new server.
All right, thanks! Still ran into some trouble, but I figured out that I had to CHMOD each subfolder in /images/ to 777 as well. Everything is up and working again. ^-^
I'm just adding comment to this thread as i had to look up chmod permissions for Plogger, one of my sites that uses plogger had to be pulled down by its host:
You had a directory in your account which had scripts for spamming and thats the reason we had to suspened your site to prevent our server from getting overloaded. Spamming matter was uploaded in /public_html/gallery/ directory and the name of the file that was badly spamming was plogger. Please make sure that nonoe of the files and folders are given 777 permission in your account as this must have happened due to global wirte permission on the folder which you must have done by mistake.
So had to leave the uploads/images/thumbs at 777 for it to work but the rest are 755, hopefully my host wont go off on one again.
Having permissions set to 777 is not a security risk in itself, as long as you are the only one who holds FTP accounts to your server. The "spammy" scripts were most likely installed by a hacker using a vulnerability in Beta 2.0. If Plogger works with 755, then use that. Unfortunately it works differently on every server.
If you haven't done so already, make sure you upgrade to version 2.1 to prevent this from happening again.
I do run 2.1 or i thought i did on that server, but yea, these things happen, to be honest, the one i got caught up on i had forgotten about, i was in the middle of setting it up and left it half way, my own fault. There are a couple of folders that do need to be 777 though