I've just upgraded to newest version of Plogger - 1.0 RC. Everything works fine, exept the cruft-free url's when using utf-8 characters. My album names have "????????" (Lithuanian) symbols and Plogger system automatically changes those symobls to _. Is it possible to make it change from ? to a, ? - c, ? - e and so on?
Also when I'm using name like that: "Name of the - plogger album", I get something like that in url: "name-of<strong>---</strong>plogger-album". Is it possible to throw those tripple dashes away and just have one - (in bolded place).
I'm going to go out on a limb and revive this thread, just so I can have peace of mind :) I know it's far fetched to try and get some answers and help seeing how Plogger's status is undefined at the moment, but what the heck.
I would really like to solve the issue Creatium posted since I also run a Plogger gallery that has albums and collections containing some non-English (UTF-8) letters (????? etc.). I'd also love for the script to change the diacritics (these funny looking signs) to their appropriate English corespondents (normal letters without the marks). Otherwise the SEO benefits of cruft-free URLs just aren't benefits at all, because I can't have my album URL containing this: Ex_ml__e and expect to get higher search rankings :)
Well anyways, in hope someone does take an interest in this, I'll bid you farewell. Good luck to all those running Plogger, it's still a great gallery!
This is a good question for European language users, and other world language users. But also a realisation that in a free programme there are limitations on the support you can get. I guess a lot of us users are amateurs.
I am such an amateur and would guess you need to look wider, perhaps in PHP user forums, since PHP is widely used around the globe.
I realise my post does not help your problem, but I just want you to know, even without the skill to help, I, for one am interested.