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    • CommentAuthorxavierator
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2010 edited
    Dear, I can view slideshow right with a few images but I can't view slideshows with over than 1000 images, is it possible ?, may be this gallery only can store less than a maximum number of images in order to view slideshows ?, the other options of gallery works right, only fail the slideshows option !!!

    You can check here, I translate the original text "View as Slideshows" with the spanish text "Ver como diapositivas"

    My Plogger gallery

    Thanks, Xavi
    • CommentAuthorchewbears
    • CommentTimeJun 29th 2010
    Go to your php.ini and increase the memory_limit, max_execution_time, and anything else you think might help you loading this many images.
    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2010

    I believe the built-in slideshow has a hard-coded limit of 1000 images in it somewhere. I can't remember where it is exactly, but it should be addressed (and possibly a newer slideshow script installed that may work better).