I'm using the new version of Plogger and would like to hide the file names ( .jpg ). I've been over the forums searching for it, but can't find the right info.
in your album.php in your themes do the following.
Add this or replace it so that you cut off the jpg. $filename = str_replace(".jpg","",$filename);
Then you need to add this. I do not know what the stock plogger looks like but if you need and can not figure this out post your album.php and I will fix it for you. print '</td><td nowrap><span class="info"><b>'. $filename . ' </b><br>' ;
Hello Chewy. I tried to get that working, but it messes up my page. Not sure if I'm adding it in the right place or not. Plus, I have my gallery hacked to suit my website. Here's the code. It's the default theme.
<?php plogger_get_header(); ?>
<div id="thumbnail-container">
<?php if (plogger_has_pictures()) : ?> <div id="overlay"> </div> <ul class="slides"> <?php while(plogger_has_pictures()) : plogger_load_picture(); // Find thumbnail width/height $thumb_info = plogger_get_thumbnail_info(); $thumb_width = $thumb_info['width']; // The width of the image. It is integer data type. $thumb_height = $thumb_info['height']; // The height of the image. It is an integer data type. $div_width = $thumb_width + 30; // Account for padding/border width $div_height = $thumb_height + 75; // Account for padding/border width // Generate XHTML with thumbnail and link to picture view $img_id = "thumb-".plogger_get_picture_id(); $imgtag = '<img id="'.$img_id.'" onmouseout="document.getElementById(\'overlay\').style.visibility = \'hidden\';" onmouseover="display_overlay(\''.$img_id.'\', \''.plogger_picture_comment_count().'\')" class="photos" src="'.plogger_get_picture_thumb().'" width="'.$thumb_width.'" height="'.$thumb_height.'" title="'.plogger_get_picture_caption('clean').'" alt="'.plogger_get_picture_caption('clean').'" />'; ?> <li class="thumbnail"> <div class="tag" style="width: <?php echo $div_width; ?>px; height: <?php echo $div_height; ?>px;"> <a href="<?php echo plogger_get_picture_url(); ?>"><?php echo $imgtag; ?></a><br /> <span><?php echo plogger_get_picture_caption(); ?> <?php echo plogger_download_checkbox(plogger_get_picture_id()); ?></span> </div><!-- /tag --> </li><!-- /thumbnail --> <?php endwhile; ?> </ul><!-- /slides --> <?php else : ?> <div id="no-pictures-msg"> <h2><?php echo plog_tr('No Images') ?></h2> <p><?php echo plog_tr('Sorry, but there are no images in this album yet.') ?></p> </div><!-- /no-pictures-msg --> <?php endif; ?> </div><!-- /thumbnail-container -->