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    • CommentAuthorsalliema
    • CommentTimeApr 6th 2010
    I'm a newbie and have added and deleted pics with no problems until now. I hvave four folders of pics, but only get an error message when trying to open (so I can delete a pic) ONE of the folders.
    Failed: $AvailableImage...
    Can anyone help?
    • CommentTimeApr 10th 2010
    @salliema : Please post the entire error message here. The small snippet you posted is not enough for us to determine what the problem is so we can try to find a solution.
    • CommentAuthorsalliema
    • CommentTimeApr 10th 2010
    Thankyou so much for answering. This is the message I'm greeted with.
    Failed: $AvailableImageOutputFormats = array(text;wbmp;gif;png;jpeg) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 519 $this->thumbnailFormat set to $this->config_output_format "jpeg" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 529 $this->thumbnailFormat staying as "jpeg" because "" ($this->f) is not in $AvailableImageOutputFormats in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 539 $this->thumbnailQuality set to "75" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 546 $this->config_cache_directory () is not a directory in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 587 SetCacheFilename() failed because $this->config_cache_directory is empty in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1815 GetImageSize("") failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1800 starting SourceImageToGD() in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1886 Not using EXIF thumbnail data because $this->config_use_exif_thumbnail_for_speed is FALSE in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1889 phpThumb() v1.6.0-200507180958 "/home4/salliema/public_html/plogger/images/sallie's_portraits/cats/cat05.jpg" does not exist