Vanilla 1.1.10 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.
<?php include("gallery.php"); ?> replace with --> <?php require('plogger.php'); ?>
<?php the_gallery_head(); ?> replace with --> <?php the_plogger_head(); ?>
<?php the_gallery(); ?> replace with --> <?php the_plogger_gallery(); ?>
Posted By: ridgedaleAm I supposed to just to copy all the new files (which don't include _upgrade.php, btw) to my existing gallery (Plogger) directory and overwrite any files if requested?
Posted By: ridgedaleI have also integrated the gallery into an existing website so I presume I should not be overwriting my custom index.php file but just replace the following lines with their new replacements:Yes, but you do not necessarily need to update your plogger calls in the index.php either. The new Plogger is backward compatible (with minimal bloating of the code), so those functions and includes will work as well as the updated ones. Also do not save over any customized theme files (you will be prompted about any found old themes during the upgrade process).
Posted By: ridgedaleI really would like to avoid having to upload and name all the collections, albums and pictures again.You will not have to do this. The new and improved upgrade script will upgrade your old Plogger to the new one (including moving your images over and attempting to delete any unused files from the old installation that are not needed anymore).
500 Internal Server Error
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
The script had an error or it did not produce any output. If there was an error, you should be able to see it in the error log.
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