I encountered some of the same issues with a friend's photography site; my response is the same. Whatever you want to show on my screen, in my browser or Flash, can be reproduced anywhere. Flash is harder to remove, but still entirely possible. And javascript solutions to disable right-clicking are just silly.
I know some may disagree, but aside from making it difficult, one cannot make it impossible to copy files; if you display an image on my screen without strobing it or doing something bizarre (maybe an ActiveX application with DirectShow, but that cuts out a lot of Internet users with Safari, IE5/Mac, Mozilla, Firefox, etc). Certainly there are ways to discourage it in Plogger (below), but it is impossible to prevent it altogether, even with Johan's Flash interface or other method of controlled display.
My suggestion? Create an .htaccess file for /images to deny all access. Then remove the full-image link on the large thumbs. Then just let people see the small and large thumbs, which are still too small to do much of anything, other than maybe create a collage wallpaper (nobody's creating prints with a 500x500px image).
Things you absolutely cannot have stolen? Don't put them on the Internet. Period. Really, truly.
Instead, I might suggest watermarking. It can be done across the whole image, just a corner, whatever, and will lead any interested parties back to her site, and actually encourages non-commercial uses of her pictures while discouraging for-profit use (nobody can claim they didn't know).
In options tab, just uncheck "Allow Recursive Downloads" and "Allow Auto Print" to remove the features from the interface.
But, like Derek said, if you are putting something on the internet, there is not much you can do to prevent it from being stolen. Removing the full-screen links from the code, with the .htaccess file to prevent images from being directly accessed in the /images/ folder is a good start.
Guys...... amazing answers. Thank you for your input, even if i did the above somebody would proberly screen capture the pictures so watermarking seem the only way.