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Vanilla 1.1.10 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    I'm updating my website (runs on Version 3.0 Beta) to the stable 1.0 RC1 which has some improvements since the beta. Only, I have a problem with the RSS feed; on main-level ( it shows only links to the recent-changed albums. Even when I choose in my Plogger Admin for 'RSS Content: pictures only'.

    I would like to have a RSS feed which shows new pictures from all of my albums like I had on the 3.0 beta-version, see Feeds from subalbums or collections are working okay, see

    Anybody an idea how to make the main-level RSS feed appear like the subalbum feed, so it shows pictures instead of albums?
    Really nobody who can help me? This is the last thing to fix before I can go online...

    And why is this function changed since the 3.0 beta?
    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2010
    This has been fixed in the codebase as of Revision 614. You can checkout a whole new verison or just download the plog-rss.php file from SVN.
    Thanks for finding the issue!
    Wow, super!! Thank you so much. No I can go online :-)