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    • CommentAuthorDani
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2010
    I upload pics by ftp/importing to an album. After I've created an album, some random pics of the uploaded ones, can't be displayed except for in thumbnail-mode. Check this album for an example:
    You see all pics in it, but when you try to browse the album, some of them are not being displayed. That has happened to a whole lot of pictures in the collection.
    I have tried to manually upload those pics with ploggers fileuploader, but no diff!

    Another question: Where/how is the album description being displayed with default theme?
    • CommentAuthorDani
    • CommentTimeMar 6th 2010
    Does anyone have any idea? It's quite annoying that only ca 50% of the uploaded pics actually works.

    Also what is strange, but not really a problem, is that when I click on the first pic in an album, then the Previous-link and not Next-link appears, so I browse the album by clicking on the first pic, but still browsing backwards.

    Here is the latest pic I added by plog-upload.php
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2010

    It seems like you and heav3n are experiencing similar issues (see discussion here). Would you mind logging in to the Admin section and clicking the "Show Server Info" link in the top, right-hand corner and copy/paste the information here?
    • CommentAuthorDani
    • CommentTimeMar 10th 2010 edited
    I read the thread for heav3n. Not tested it fully, but so far it seems turning off Generate Intermediate Images works here too.
    Server Software: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS)
    PHP Version: 5.1.6 (APACHE2HANDLER)
    MySQL Version: 5.0.77
    GD Version: bundled (2.0.28 compatible) with JPEG support
    Session Save Path: /var/lib/php/session
    File Upload Size Limit: 2MB
    Temporary Memory Limit: 128M
    Code Run Time Limit: 30s
    safe_mode enabled
    Thank you! I'll report if it isn't fully fixed!

    The other question: where/how is the album description being displayed with default theme?
    • CommentTimeMar 10th 2010 edited

    So it seems like you have safe_mode enabled as well. Did the installation or upgrade procedure prompt you to enter FTP information during the installation / upgrade process? If not, it seems that your server does not allow for PHP's FTP functions either. I'm a little confused as to why some intermediate thumbnails were working and others were not as they should all be in the same directory (under the plog-content/thumbs/ folder). safe_mode usually has issues with creating new directories / folders that have correct permissions so you can save, delete, or rename files within that directory / folder.

    Regarding the album description in the default theme, it is being displayed on the "collection" level that shows the list of albums within a collection. It is being called using the plogger_get_album_description() function within the album loop. You can see it in action by viewing the 'collection.php' file in the theme file you are using (plog-content/themes/default/ if using the default).
    • CommentAuthorDani
    • CommentTimeMar 10th 2010 edited
    I think I had to enter FTP info, but I can't remember for sure. I could ask my web provider to turn off safe_mode, but do I have any good arguments for him to do it?

    All pics seems to work fine now, i didn't even need to re-upload them. I tried to import a small album, and it works fine too! But, I'm using Image Magnify so you can zoom the pic when you are looking at a pic. After I turned off Generate Intermediate Images, clicking on a pic results instead of it being viewed like in a new window, like this so you have to click back in the browser.
    If I could, I would disallow Full Image Access, but unfortunately it must be enabled if intermediate images are disabled.

    Thanks for the descriptionhelp!
    • CommentAuthorheav3n
    • CommentTimeMar 10th 2010
    hello i still have the problem with safe_mode off as you saw in the other thread.
    what is this image magnify? you used this and now you see no error? plz guide me because i cant find any solution. it happens randomly :(
    • CommentAuthorDani
    • CommentTimeMar 10th 2010
    Image Magnify is a free javascript that makes the pic bigger when you click on it. I want the user to be able to click on the image from intermediate mode to increase the size. But when intermediate mode is turned off, image magnify is no longer neccessary, as many of the pics are shown too big already.

    What fixed my problem, was turning off Generate Intermediate Images. The drawback with that, is that pics are shown in real sizes instead of in intermediate size.
    • CommentAuthorheav3n
    • CommentTimeMar 10th 2010
    ah ok yes i know already this solution as i posted it in my thread. but photos are big so its not nice solution :/
    • CommentTimeMar 11th 2010

    I think it should be fixed now, but please check the files for me (the ones you posted to earlier are all now working). It looks like the images that were not being created was a permissions issue. The original images that were having issues (found in plog-content/images/ directory) had a permission of '0640' instead of '0644' which meant that they could not be read by a public script (the last '0' does not allow read, write, or execute for public). Due to your server running in safe mode, the owner and group are different for the PHP script running, the FTP user, and the directory created from PHP while in safe_mode. This inconsistency (due to safe_mode being enabled), meant that the script was trying to access the file "publicly" because the owner and group of PHP and the file / directory in question were different. Due to the file permissions being '0640', public access via script was blocked for read, write, and execute.

    I changed all of your directories to '0755' and all your files to '0644' (which is what we recommend for good security) and all seems to be going well. Please test with some newly imported and uploaded images as well and let us know if you are still having issues.
    • CommentAuthorDani
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2010
    Excellent. Thank you very much!

    There's another minor issue:
    The link to page 2 is broken.

    Another question: I have a list of members (a table with id, name and email). How can I make all of the members recieve a mail when a comment has been posted? From the GUI, it seems it's only possible to have one reciever, which is the admins mail.
    • CommentAuthorfropker
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2010
    Hi * sidtheduck
    Can you pls help to how i can get recent images and random images into horizontal position.

    pls have a look at my website and help me
    • CommentAuthorDani
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2010
    @fropker: If you have some basic html skills, I think you can just edit plogger/plog-content/plugins/random-images/random-images.php and ../latest-images/latest-images.php
    • CommentAuthorfropker
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2010
    how i can do this pls explain in brief.

    i shall be highely thankful to you
    • CommentAuthorfropker
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2010
    this is my latest images codes :

    /* ignorance is bliss */
    if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == basename(__FILE__)) {

    /* Pull in Plogger files to define filepaths and functions */

    if (!defined('PLOGGER_DIR')) {
    return false;

    global $config;

    /* Defines the URL of your Plogger gallery */
    // $plog_latest_images_site_url = '';
    $plog_latest_images_site_url = $config['gallery_url'];

    /* How many images do you want to show? */
    $plog_latest_images_amount = '40';

    /* The database query to pull the latest images from the database. Comment out if you are pulling images from a specific collection below. */
    $plog_latest_images_query = "SELECT * FROM ".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."pictures ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT $plog_latest_images_amount";

    /* The database query to pull the latest images from a specific collection. Uncomment and change the X to the ID of the desired collection. */
    //$plog_latest_images_query = "SELECT * FROM ".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."pictures WHERE `parent_collection` = X ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT $plog_latest_images_amount";

    $plog_latest_images_result = mysql_query($plog_latest_images_query) or die ("Could not execute query: $plog_latest_images_query." .mysql_error());

    $config['baseurl'] = $plog_latest_images_site_url;

    /* The loop */
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($plog_latest_images_result)) {
    $id = $row['id'];
    $path = $row['path'];
    $caption = SmartStripSlashes($row['caption']);
    $name = substr(basename($row['path']), 0, strrpos(basename($row['path']), '.'));
    $cap_or_name = (!empty($caption)) ? $caption : $name;
    <a href="<?php echo generate_url('picture', $id); ?>" title="<?php echo addcslashes($cap_or_name, '"') ?>"><img class="latest-images-thumbnail" src="<?php echo generate_thumb($path, $id); ?>" alt="<?php echo $name ?>" /></a><br />
    <p class="latest-images-caption"><?php echo $caption ?></p>
    <?php } ?>
    • CommentAuthorfropker
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2010
    and this is my random images codes :

    /* ignorance is bliss */
    if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == basename(__FILE__)) {

    /* Pull in Plogger files to define filepaths and functions */

    if (!defined('PLOGGER_DIR')) {
    return false;

    global $config;

    /* Defines the URL of your Plogger gallery */
    // $plog_random_images_site_url = '';
    $plog_random_images_site_url = $config['gallery_url'];

    /* How many images do you want to show? */
    $plog_random_images_amount = '20';

    /* The database query to pull the random images from the database. Comment out if you are pulling images from a specific collection below. */
    $plog_random_images_query = "SELECT * FROM ".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."pictures ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT $plog_random_images_amount";

    /* The database query to pull random images from a specific collection. Uncomment and change the X to the ID of the desired collection. */
    //$plog_random_images_query = "SELECT * FROM ".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."pictures WHERE `parent_collection` = X ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT $plog_random_images_amount";

    $plog_random_images_result = mysql_query($plog_random_images_query) or die ("Could not execute query: $plog_random_images_query." .mysql_error());

    $config['baseurl'] = $plog_random_images_site_url;

    /* The loop */
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($plog_random_images_result)) {
    $id = $row['id'];
    $path = $row['path'];
    $caption = SmartStripSlashes($row['caption']);
    $name = substr(basename($row['path']), 0, strrpos(basename($row['path']), '.'));
    $cap_or_name = (!empty($caption)) ? $caption : $name;
    <a href="<?php echo generate_url('picture', $id); ?>" title="<?php echo addcslashes($cap_or_name, '"') ?>"><img class="random-images-thumbnail" src="<?php echo generate_thumb($path, $id); ?>" alt="<?php echo $name ?>" /></a><br />
    <p class="random-images-caption"><?php echo $caption ?></p>
    <?php } ?>

    Need your help?
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2010
    @Dani: Thanks for offering to help. I've figured out his issue and posted a solution for him.
    • CommentAuthorfropker
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2010
    solution not working for me thnks
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2010
    @fropker: Please keep this discussion in the thread you opened.
    • CommentAuthorDani
    • CommentTimeMar 15th 2010 edited
    Seems it's not fully fixed.
    Here is an example of a picture not working:

    I have tried to set all permissions for the collection in the ftp client to 755.

    There's another minor issue too:
    The link to page 2 is broken.
    • CommentAuthorDani
    • CommentTimeMar 19th 2010
    Got any more solutions?
    • CommentTimeMar 19th 2010
    I don't have any more solutions for you at the moment, Dani. I'll have to take another look on your server and run some more tests. I'm not sure where it is backing up exactly (your permissions look good).
    • CommentTimeMar 19th 2010 edited
    Dani, I think I have it working again now. Basically, it was not showing up because the original image has a different owner than PHP or FTP (which means no CHMOD of the permission files for Plogger) and the original image was smaller than the max size (so it tried to copy the image because you have disabled the original image link). I just commented out the copy and return code (you can do a search for "//c(.)" in your code to see what I changed) so the large thumbnail is generated by the PHPthumbnailer class instead of trying to copy it directly (which doesn't work in safe_mode and different owners, but is faster than generating a new image with the thumbnailer class if not running in safe_mode).

    Long story short, everything should hopefully be cleared up and I will add an additional check for the function in future releases of Plogger.

    p.s. Regarding the link to page 2 in your plog-manage file, it is fixed now as well. I was an issue with the function generate_url() that you had modified to force 'plog.php' instead of $config['baseurl'] for all levels. I just changed the 'admin' level back to $config['baseurl'] and it seems to work fine (your other levels are still forcing the 'plog.php' URL).
    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2010
    Dani (and anyone else who experiences this exact same option),

    I have added this to the current codebase as of Revision 614, so it will be included in the next release.
    Thanks for reporting this error and working with me to find out an answer.
    • CommentAuthorheav3n
    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2010
    you mean u fixed the problem i had too? and you will include it on next version? Or dany had other problem? I didn't understand clearly
    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2010

    I still think your issue may not be solved on this (I already had you try Dani's fix and you said it didn't fix it). I still do not know exactly what your issue is, but I am doing more web research to see if someone else has had the same issues with similar scripting.
    • CommentAuthorheav3n
    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2010
    ah ok thx no worries...if you want reply the whisper at my thread about the slideshow i asked you.