I had to put ini_set("display_errors", "1"); error_reporting(E_ALL); on the top of the file top actually see these errors. Without these lines, there was just a blank screen when I tried to run _install.php
Here is the errors: http://www.truemetal.org/cirithungol/plogger/plog-admin/_install.php
I tried to set all permissions to 755, but no difference.
I have now manually edited plogger/plog-config.php and set the four DB-infos. (PLOGGER_DB_HOST is set to localhost.) What else should I try?
The first error is:
<code>Warning: is_file() [function.is-file]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/www/truemetal.org/htdocs/cirithungol/plogger/plog-config.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (.) in /www/truemetal.org/htdocs/cirithungol/plogger/plog-admin/_install.php on line 4</code>
Basically, your webhost has open_basedir and include_path set to include the '.' directory, which is the current working directory (the directory that the current script is running in or any sub-directories). What the issue is here is that the Plogger admin side is in the directory 'plog-admin/' and it is being blocked from including anything in the main Plogger directory, the plog-content/ directory, or the plog-includes/ directory since they are not within a sub-directory of the current working directory. On the majority of hosts, these settings include the root directory of your website (allowing you to include any files within your own hosted space).
However, if your server is running PHP >= 5.2.3, we could include the Plogger base directory in these 2 options that should allow everything to work out. If you are running less than 5.2.3, you will need to talk with your webhost about a workaround for these settings.
You could try this, but you will need to edit quite a few files (not big edits though). It would probably be easier to have your webhost change the php.ini values above to include the root directory of your website. Also, I do not know that your host needs to upgrade their PHP installation, just update their php.ini file to include the root directory of your website with the open_basedir setting (instead of the relative path of the current working directory).
However, here is the code that you will need to enter on the 2nd line of the files listed below (just below the opening <?php: chdir(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
Add that code to the following files: plog-admin/_install.php plog-admin/_upgrade.php plog-admin/index.php plog-admin/plog-admin.php plog-admin/plog-admin-functions.php plog-admin/plog-feedback.php plog-admin/plog-import.php plog-admin/plog-manage.php plog-admin/plog-options.php plog-admin/plog-plugins.php plog-admin/plog-rpc.php plog-admin/plog-themes.php plog-admin/plog-thumb.php plog-admin/plog-upload.php plog-includes/plog-captcha.php plog-includes/plog-functions.php
And finally you will need to add this code: chdir(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))); to the second line of: plog-admin/includes/install-functions.php
I think that should do it (but I have not tested because I do not have access to a server with this open_basedir setting). Basically, the code attempts to change the current working directory to the main Plogger directory instead of using the current subdirectory. Everything else should work on the system because we use absolute paths instead of relative paths for the code file references. Keep in mind that you can always remove the line again if it does not work and we can try something else (it's easily reversible if you get the same or more errors than before).
Unfortunately my host wasn't able to upgrade php at this time, but open_basedir. That did the trick!
I have two other questions now: 1. Where/how is the album description being displayed with default theme? 2. I upload pics by ftp/importing to a album. After I've created an album, some random pics of the uploaded ones, can't be displayed except for in thumbnail-mode. Check this album for an example: http://www.truemetal.org/cirithungol/plog.php?level=album&id=7 You see all pics in it, but when you try to browse the album, some of them are not being displayed. That has happened to a whole lot of pictures in the collection. Do I have to manually delete those broken uploaded, manually re-uploaded each one of them? I've actually tried that for some, but no difference.