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    • CommentAuthorDani
    • CommentTimeFeb 21st 2010 edited
    Everything is working fine, but it looks like some css is missing, as the layout is not as it's supposed to be. I've tried other plugins, but it doesn't get better.
    • CommentTimeFeb 21st 2010
    Dani: In looking at your gallery, none of the code from Plogger is being pulled into the < head > section of your site. As a result, the gallery stylesheet isn't showing up.

    Make sure you've included <?php the_gallery_head(); ?> before the closing < /head > tag in plog.php.
    Thankful People: Dani
    • CommentAuthorDani
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2010
    Btw, it was the_plogger_head(), not the_gallery_head().
    I'm having a layout issue, but the plogger_head tag is definitely in the header.

    If you look, it's not a full row of pictures, and it happens on several pages, with no rhyme or reason to what will be in a full row and what row will be cut off. Weird thing is the singles are left out on the right side.

    Any idea? Check out the other galleries, it's happening in there too.
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2010
    @mattcushing: That's a problem we're already aware of, and working on a solution via Trac ticket #242. Hopefully the fix should be finalized and committed to SVN soon.