Vanilla 1.1.10 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.
$name = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM plogger_albums ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3"); // album name for meta
$albumName = mysql_query("SELECT path FROM plogger_albums ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3"); // album name for URL
$id = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM plogger_albums ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3"); // LAST 3 ALBUM id's
$thumbID_0= mysql_result($id,0);
$thumbID_1= mysql_result($id,1);
$thumbID_2= mysql_result($id,2);
div class="grid">
<h1><a href="http://localhost/penylane/gallery/index.php?level=album&id= <?php echo mysql_result($id, 0); ?> " > <?php echo mysql_result($name, 0); ?> </h1></a>
<a href="http://localhost/penylane/gallery/index.php?level=album&id= <?php echo mysql_result($id, 0); ?> " ><img class="photos" src="http://localhost/penylane/gallery/plog-content/images/<?php echo mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT path FROM plogger_pictures WHERE parent_album = '$thumbID_0' "),0); ?>" width="255" height="255" title="<?php echo mysql_result($name, 0); ?>" alt="<?php echo mysql_result($name, 0); ?>" </a> />
div class="grid">
<h1><a href="http://localhost/penylane/gallery/index.php?level=album&id= <?php echo mysql_result($id, 1); ?> " > <?php echo mysql_result($name, 1); ?> </a> </h1>
<img class="photos" src="http://localhost/penylane/gallery/plog-content/images/<?php echo mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT path FROM plogger_pictures WHERE parent_album = '$thumbID_1' "),0); ?>" width="255" height="255" title="<?php echo mysql_result($name, 1); ?>" alt="<?php echo mysql_result($name, 1); ?>" />
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