Plogger does not yet have a user system for non-administrative users. This means that without creating a user system this isn't yet viable. However, Beta 3 will likely have multiple users (though all administrative) but converting this to allow such functionality would be much easier.
Would anyone be prepared to write an add-on to do something like this?.. I have a very small budget!!
Perhaps something like - an option on the "view image" page to "add to my gallery"... when clicked, this stores the image id in a cookie. User continues to browse, adding images to the cookie.
Then - at any time - they can click the "view my saved images" link, which reads the cookie, loops through the id's and shows the images...
Shouldn't be too hard would it - and an excellent (allbeit simple) add-on..
To be honest Derek, I think the user authentication route is actually too much overkill.. I still think a simple function to add the ids to a cookie, and a page that reads the cookie and displays the relevant images...
I'll try and have a go at this when I get more time, but the offer to pay someone still stands!! ;)
Well, the only way to reliably attribute the list to the appropriate person is a user auth system. A cookie is insufficient for those who use more than one computer (I use 3) or share a computer (think University campus).
OK - I made a half decent effort on this... and I have what I think is a nice little add-on...
Ive created a new file "mygallery.php" and made a slight change to the index.php file. These 2 files can be downloaded from
Now all you need to do, is make a call to mygallery.php from the "view image" section of the gallery.php file... eg:
<a href="./index.php?myimageid='.$id.'&level=mygallery">Add to My Gallery</a>
I'd also reccommend adding a "Jump to > My Gallery" in the pulldown... eg: