I too had the same problem now i can't upload images or import images what to do is this problem due to any change in my code or due to the permission grant to the directory
i solved the problem by giving permission 777 to the folders of images and thumbs and all the files and directories within them too.i actually don't know any security problem will arise or not but the fact is that the gallery is working properly
It's most likely a permissions issue on your server. However, visualize, it looks like you are on a Windows host (with the whole D:/ in the path) which is odd because windows machines do not typically have permissions issues with PHP. You'd have to check with your host to see if they will allow permission for PHP to create folders within the plog-content/ folder.
I have same problem Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /home/sloki/user/t58477/sites/zenbali.co.id/www/fabric_collection/plog-admin/plog-admin-functions.php on line 1230
I tried giving permission 777 to all folders and files in plog content and plog admin but result is failed.
here's for example http://zenbali.co.id/fabric_collection/index.php?level=picture&id=34 anyone can give some advice?