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Vanilla 1.1.10 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    • CommentAuthorgrisu
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2009
    I updated from beta3 to Vers 1.0-RC1.without errors. now i got this problem:
    in Admin panel:
    I have one Collection i can not manage the description ore name. i can go inside and all album are shown but some i have the same problem, when i press the buton to manage i got an 500 error.
    in the Galery:
    only 4 of 10 included album are shown and no footer in this collection. in the check-box "jump to" all album shown. all other collections are fine.
    I am not able to fix this problem.
    what can i do?
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2009 edited

    I can try to help you, but I would need temporary FTP access. I cannot tell from your description what the issue would be as it is not a standard issue that I have come across before (seems to be unique to your situation). If you would like me to help, please email me temporary FTP credentials to sidtheduck SPLAT gmail DOT com. You can delete or change the credentials after I am done testing.
    • CommentAuthorgrisu
    • CommentTimeNov 18th 2009 edited
    OK, you fix the problem in the Gallery!
    I fix the problem in the admin: I go in to the album and load every page with 10 entries (I think doing that reload the tumps), after this the edit-button works!
    Thank you!
    • CommentTimeNov 18th 2009 edited

    The fix I did most likely cleared up both the front-end and the backend. The problem was that your image was too large to process, so it was stopping the front-end gallery at that point and the back-end admin album edit page at that point. You had the same issue this forum user has as well.