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    • CommentAuthorqws
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2009
    I download translations, but how can I install the translations?
    Where I put them?
    • CommentAuthorhazem
    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2009
    read this:

    i have done the same steps but it didn't work.
    any one can offer some help!
    • CommentAuthorHackerAC88
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2009
    I think anyone can offer a version of a Plogger translation. I can put the Spanish version, but you need to tell me where I can upload it. Thanks!
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2009

    If you have completed a translation, you can email it to plog-translators AT (or myself at sidtheduck AT gmail DOT com). I'll make sure to commit (upload) it to the SVN repository.
    • CommentAuthorHackerAC88
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2009

    Excellent man... give me some time and I'm sending the translation. The gallery works very well! Great job and congrats to the developer's team. See you soon.
    • CommentAuthorHackerAC88
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2009
    Here I've posted the complete Spanish version, with no errors and working 100%. I hope you enjoy!
    • CommentAuthorKleidi
    • CommentTimeDec 5th 2009
    We need to know how to install a translation bcz, ithink, that does not exist translation in every language. I need Albanian...
    • CommentTimeDec 7th 2009

    If you would like to translate it into a language that does not exist yet, you can follow these instructions ->
    • CommentAuthorbourpaul
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2009 edited
    error from me ... excuse me
    • CommentAuthorbourpaul
    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2009
    I found french files translation ( and fr.po), I put them in the repertory: /plogger/plog-content\translations. I put 'fr' in the line 48 of the file plog-config.php and when I want to go in my gallery appear on the top of each page this :

    " Notice: Undefined property: ORIGINALS in /home/bourpaul/public_html/plogger/plog-includes/lib/gettext/gettext.php on line 83

    Notice: Undefined property: TRANSLATIONS in /home/bourpaul/public_html/plogger/plog-includes/lib/gettext/gettext.php on line 94

    Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0. in /home/bourpaul/public_html/plogger/plog-includes/lib/gettext/streams.php on line 105"

    I sent you the info of my server :
    "VERSION: 1.0-RC1-RevLastChangedRevision [Show server infoHide server info]
    Server Software: Apache/2.0.63 (Unix) mod_ssl 2.0.63 OpenSSL
    PHP Version: 4.4.8 (CGI)
    MySQL Version: 4.1.22-standard
    GD Version: bundled (2.0.28 compatible) with JPEG support
    Session Save Path: /tmp
    File Upload Size Limit: 2MB
    Temporary Memory Limit:
    Code Run Time Limit: 300s "

    Please can you send me what to do?
    I wish you lot of bonheur and success for the new year 2010
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2010 edited

    We just released the RC1 version and the translation files have not been updated to this version yet. If you would like, you can follow the directions here to update the fr.po and to the newest version.
    • CommentAuthorxavierator
    • CommentTimeMay 26th 2010
    Hi, please, in order to not remix different versions of translations, which files contains the texts to translate the original version to another language ?
    Thanks, Xavi