Hi, I am very new to the PHP world, and have managed to get this far on my own, but I am having trouble with this one... I would like to have my gallery setup so when a visitor clicks on one of the thumbnails, it launches the lightbox slide show. I tried using the lightbox theme, but it does not want to work. Could it be because I am not allowing full picture access? Here is a link to current gallery page: (I hope everyone here is "open" minded ; )
I would like to be able to use the default theme css I already modified so my gallery pages match my site. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated! Thank you, Webmistress
I'm assuming it does have something to do with Allow Full Picture Access, but I haven't actually checked your site (I'm assuming NSFW and I'm at work). I'll check it later and get back to you.
Sid, Sorry, I missed the NSFW reference (I had to google it ; ) This is a site for a Transgender nightclub, not porn or anything... Just girls having fun. Webmistress
Thanks for the heads up. I took a look and it looks like the lightbox is working, just not the loading image and / or the background overlay. I'm guessing it's either a CSS issue or a path issue in lightbox.js