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    Sidetheduck , I am your lovely fan!, when ever I see your Name in forum, I will pay more attention for your content and codings. Many many thank! to Plogger Community Developers!, and Plogger is Rocking the Internet! The great Powerful Open source software!

    Is it Possible to implement the feature from older plogger version1.0b2.1 Intermediate Pictures width and height compatiability in highter version ploggerv1.0b3 ?


    In Plogger Version 1.0b2.1

    . I have sets options as Large Thumbnail Width (pixels): 640 (User given Value)

    it generates an large Intermediate Thumbnail pictures size upto 640pixels width and upto 920pixels Hight. and

    regards less about the original picture size, ( Means original pictures may be of any size above 640Pixels width (User given Value), Picture Size above (User given Value) are exactly reduced to Upto 640 X upto 920 pixels width and height ( I like the above features in plogger v1.0b2.1 )


    In Plogger Version 1.0b3 and higher versions are changed the features as

    I have sets options as Intermediate Picture Width (pixels): 640 (User given Value)

    It generates an large Intermediate Thumbnail pictures size are smaller than plogger v1.0b2.1 and also it generate images depends upon original pictures Aspect Ratio and its Intermediate Thumbnail size are depends upon original picture size.


    Original Picture: Original Actress Bhavana picture Actress Bhavana Stills
    Image Properties
    Type: JPEG image
    Image Dimensions: 700px x 1000px
    Size of File: 104.5 KB(107009 bytes)

    In Plogger Version 1.0b2.1
    Settings: Large Thumbnail Width (pixels): 640 (User given Value)

    Large Intermediate Thumbnail generate picture in : Plogger v1.0b2.1 generated large Thumbnail Picture Actress Bhavana Stills Intermediate large Thumbnail generated from Plogger Version 1.0b2.1
    Image Properties
    Type: JPEG image
    Image Dimensions: 640px x 914px
    Size of File: 66.76 KB(68358 bytes)

    In Plogger Version 1.0b3
    Settings: Intermediate Picture Width (pixels): 640 (User given Value)

    Large Intermediate Thumbnail generate picture is : Plogger v1.0b3 generated large Thumbnail Picture Actress Bhavana Stills Intermediate large Thumbnail generated from Plogger Version 1.0b3
    Image Properties
    Type: JPEG image
    Image Dimensions: 448px x 640px
    Size of File: 37.41 KB(38312 bytes)

    My Question is
    In plogger v1.0b3, How to generate Intermediate Large thumbnail pictures as same size as generated in Plogger v1.0b2.1 ?
    If it is possible where is the settings? and how to change it ?

    Thanks and regards,
    • CommentTimeJul 8th 2009

    You will need to open plog-functions.php and look for the following code (should be around line 515 of Plogger 1.0b3):
    // set data
    if ($imgdata[0] > $imgdata[1]) {
    $phpThumb->w = $thumb_config['size'];
    } else {
    $phpThumb->h = $thumb_config['size'];

    and change it to read:
    // set data
    //if ($imgdata[0] > $imgdata[1]) {
    $phpThumb->w = $thumb_config['size'];
    //} else {
    // $phpThumb->h = $thumb_config['size'];

    That should fix it for you.
    Sidtheduck! It's Wonderful, The great Plogger !. It exactly does generate Large thumbnail perfectly for any given user values from Admin page. Many many Thanks to Sidtheduck.