Hi, I upgraded from 1.0b3 to r599 and everything went fine but seach is now broken. When a serch is performed ?searchterms=bla is added to the URL but no seach page appears. The site is http://500motivators.com/ if that helps.
Some more info, if I enable cruft free url's and do a search I get these errors all on one page...
Notice: Undefined index: searchterms in /500motivators.com/plog-includes/plog-functions.php on line 1566 Notice: Undefined index: searchterms in /500motivators.com/plog-includes/plog-functions.php on line 95 Notice: Undefined index: searchterms in /500motivators.com/plog-includes/plog-functions.php on line 2163
Hey Sidtheduck long time time no see how are you friend? Man I gotta give it to you for still soldier on, your the man dude. It's been a while but yea I can take over from here now hehe lol.