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    • CommentAuthorclairev
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2009
    Hi, I would like to set the height of my intermediate images so that they always fit within the window in my brothers gallery and don't create scroll bars (he only has a few portrait shots and doesn't mind them being quite small).

    I looked through the forums and found this advice:
    * ddejong
    * CommentTimeDec 5th 2005

    plog-functions.php, line ~75, change:
    $phpThumb->w = $thumb_config['size'];


    $phpThumb->h = $thumb_config['size'];

    And Plogger will instead use the configured thumbnail constraint for height (h) instead of width (w).

    but when I open plog-functions.php the above doesn't appear on line 75 it appears 3 time on lines 518, 529 and 543... I have tried changing each in turn but nothing happens? I really dont know what im doing with php so im nervous to play about with it too much... if anyone can help me with it id be really really grateful. Thanks