Hello, i have installed Plogger and i think it is great so far, all i want to be able to do is learn how i can have the thumbnails to align centered, but still keep the comments left aligned at the bottom of the larger thumbnails.
Any help will be appreciated, as i really dont know php yet.
Using floats, they can't be. We've got a centered thumbnail, table-free, fully-standards compliant theme for Beta 3, but it will be a while yet before it's released. If you downloaded the nightly build I could send you the files, but it's entirely unsupported. If you're uncomfortable with that, I would wait for Beta 3.
I am trying to do the same thing as ctlsmite... trying to keep the breadcrumbs left aligned but have the thumbs centered on the page? Any help much appreciated, the site im working on is here: http://paulvickers.co.uk/ploggerb3/index.php