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    • CommentAuthorridgedale
    • CommentTimeMay 25th 2009 edited
    Having got Plogger up and running embedded into my existing website there are few things I would like modify:

    1) Is it possible to omit the gallery name as I already have gallery title styled as I need it on the page, if so, how?

    2) Can an album have a comment or description attached which can be displayed, if so, how?

    3) Can the thumbnails be setup to automatically show the file name below each of them, if so, how?

    4) Can the height of the thumbnails be changed, if so, how?

    5) Can the full size pictures be displayed in a new pop-up window instead of in the same page, if so, how?

    6) Can the comments section on the full size image page be omitted, if so, how?

    7) Which file(s) need(s) to be edited to move/restyle the elements on the Plogger pages, if so, how?

    Sorry for all these question in one go.

    Thanks in advance.

    • CommentAuthorridgedale
    • CommentTimeMay 26th 2009
    I have managed find the answers to the following:

    1) Is it possible to omit the gallery name as I already have gallery title styled as I need it on the page, if so, how?

    In the Admin control panel under Options clear the Gallery Name field.

    4) Can the height of the thumbnails be changed, if so, how?

    In the Admin control panel under Options uncheck the Use Cropped Square Thumbnails? option and enter the size in what now appears as Small Thumbnail Height (pixels) field.

    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2009

    Here are some answers to your questions:

    2) Can an album have a comment or description attached which can be displayed, if so, how?
    You can add a description to an album or collection in the Admin -> Manage tab. It gets displayed in the theme file by calling the function plogger_get_collection_description() or plogger_get_album_description() in the collection or album "while loop".

    3) Can the thumbnails be setup to automatically show the file name below each of them, if so, how?
    Yep. Just open the 'picture.php' file in your theme directory and you can use the basename(plogger_get_picture_path()) to get just the name of the file.

    5) Can the full size pictures be displayed in a new pop-up window instead of in the same page, if so, how?
    Just open the 'album.php' file in the theme directory you are using and add:target="_blank"to the link tag.

    6) Can the comments section on the full size image page be omitted, if so, how?
    Yep, just open 'picture.php' in the theme directory you are using and remove the code:
    <?php echo plogger_display_comments(); ?>

    7) Which file(s) need(s) to be edited to move/restyle the elements on the Plogger pages, if so, how?
    Everything for the front-end gallery is found in the theme directory that you are using. The names of the files are pretty straightforward. All of the CSS is in the 'gallery.css' file located within that theme file as well.
    • CommentAuthorridgedale
    • CommentTimeJun 1st 2009
    Thanks for your feedback, sidtheduck.

    Unfortunately, when I tried to implement your suggestions I came across the following issues:

    2) Can an album have a comment or description attached which can be displayed, if so, how?
    You can add a description to an album or collection in the Admin -> Manage tab. It gets displayed in the theme file by calling the function plogger_get_collection_description() or plogger_get_album_description() in the collection or album "while loop".

    The description field is filled in for every album but does not display when I click on the album thumbnail under the collection - the description does display if I hover the cursor over the album thumbnail but I would like it to be displayed when viewing the thumbnails of the pictures.

    3) Can the thumbnails be setup to automatically show the file name below each of them, if so, how?
    Yep. Just open the 'picture.php' file in your theme directory and you can use the basename(plogger_get_picture_path()) to get just the name of the file.

    When I change picture.php from:

    print '<p id="description">' . plogger_get_picture_description() . '</p>';


    print '<p id="description">' . basename(plogger_get_picture_path()) . '</p>';

    I am expecting the name of the file to be displayed below the picture but still no text appears.

    5) Can the full size pictures be displayed in a new pop-up window instead of in the same page, if so, how?
    Just open the 'album.php' file in the theme directory you are using and add:
    to the link tag.

    Unfortunately this doesn't appear to work either as even though a new window is being displayed the window is retaining the site style and the full size picture is still being shown in the scrollable area of the window - I am not using frames, btw.

    Also if I try changing the album.php while{} statement as follows:

    while(plogger_has_pictures()) {

    print plogger_get_album_description();


    // display thumbnails within album
    // generate XHTML with thumbnail and link to picture view.

    $capt = plogger_get_picture_caption();
    $img_id = "thumb-".plogger_get_picture_id();
    $imgtag = '<img id="' . $img_id
    . '" onmouseout="document.getElementById(\'overlay\').style.visibility = \'hidden\';"
    onmouseover="display_overlay(\''.$img_id.'\', \''.plogger_picture_comment_count().'\')" class="photos"
    src="'.plogger_get_picture_thumb().'" title="'.$capt.'" alt="'.$capt.'" />';

    print '<li class="thumbnail"><div class="tag"><a href="' . plogger_get_picture_url() . '" target="_blank">' . $imgtag . "</a><br />";

    print basename(plogger_get_picture_path());

    print plogger_download_checkbox(plogger_get_picture_id());

    print '</div></li>';

    the following error is returned when I click on the album thumbnail under the collection:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: plogger_get_picture_path() in /hermes/web08/b1649/pow.ridgedale/htdocs/WHN/gallery/themes/default/album.php on line 26

    6) Can the comments section on the full size image page be omitted, if so, how?
    Yep, just open 'picture.php' in the theme directory you are using and remove the code:
    <?php echo plogger_display_comments(); ?>

    FYI, I managed to resolve this by disabling the Allow User Comments? option in the Adminstration interface.

    7) Which file(s) need(s) to be edited to move/restyle the elements on the Plogger pages, if so, how?
    Everything for the front-end gallery is found in the theme directory that you are using. The names of the files are pretty straightforward. All of the CSS is in the 'gallery.css' file located within that theme file as well.

    I think I'll wait until I can get the above issues resolved before messing about with the CSS.

    I am beginning to wonder if the issues are arising from the fact that I have embedded Plogger into an existing website. I have provided a link here for your reference. Please note I have reset the picture.php and album.php files back to the original state.

    Any assistance to try to resolve these glitches would be greatly appreciated.


    • CommentAuthorridgedale
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2009
    Can anyone help with this, please?

